The 4th International Workshop on
"Digitization and E-Inclusion in Mathematics and Science 2021" (DEIMS2021)

18-19 February 2021, at Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan


Due to the coronavirus pandemic, DEIMS2021 will be held as a virtual event, and the participation will be free of charge.

However, even if it is virtual, we definitely need participant information beforehand to prepare workshop materials. We, therefore, would like to ask all the participants to register themselves, according to the following instructions.

Download the registration form either in Microsoft Word format or in text format.

Complete a registration form and send it to:
deims2021-office "@"
(please remove quotation marks included in the above address)
by 18 Jan. 2021.

Registration Deadline:

18 January 2021.

If you have any questions, please contact Katsuhito Yamaguchi at
The workshop contact e-mail address: deims2021-office "@"
(please remove quotation marks included in the above address)

2020 DEIMS2021 All Rights Reserved.

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