DEIMS12 is free of charge. However, we need participant information beforehand to prepare workshop materials. We, therefore, would like to ask participants to register themselves, according to the following instructions.
In particular, to foreign persons who want to participate in it, we would like to ask to fill out a registration form and send it to:
Deims12-office "@"
(please remove quotation marks included in the above address)
by Jan. 16, 2012.
The form in a Microsoft Word format can be obtained, here. The form in a text format can be obtained, here.
If you were domestic and if you hoped only to participate in DEIMS12, you might just send a e-mail message to the above address. At that time, at least, Your name(s), affiliation(s), contact information and attendance at the party on Feb. 9 should be included in the message.
Registration Deadline:
January 16, 2012.
2011 DEIMS12 All Rights Reserved.